Wednesday, May 02, 2007


Carter Nelson Review

My name is Carter Nelson and I am seven years old.
I like to check out books from the church library
because I want to learn about Jesus.
I chose the book What Really Happened to the Dinosaurs?
because I like to learn about dinosaurs too.
I learned that dinosaurs were created by God
when people were created. Dinosaurs did not live before people.
You should read this book because it is a book most kids would like.
I also like to check out movies at the church library.
I like The Pistol because the boy, Pete,
really knew how to play basketball.
His father taught him to play basketball
just like his father taught him.
There are lots of other books and movies
that have Jesus in them too.
Thank you to the people who work the library and
to the people who give the books and movies to the library.

Carter Nelson

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