Monday, December 03, 2007


Christmas Lizard

Oscar, a bright green iguana, notices some very interesting changes around his house. All of a sudden everyone in the house is singing happy new songs that Oscar has never heard before. There’s a bright, rather huge, green tree in the middle of the living room.

Oscar wonders:
What is this all about?
O how I wish I could find out?

That is what Oscar does. He breaks free of his cage and takes an unforgettable journey up the family Christmas tree and finds out what the meaning of Christmas is all about.
Ages 4 to 8


Christmas Child DVD

A Max Lucado Story:

As Christmas draws near, Jack finds himself disconnecting from the holidays, his job and his wife. His latest assignment as a journalist takes him to Dallas but a mysterious photograph draws him to Clearwater. Here he discovers the town’s life-sized, intricately carved nativity.

Jack delves into the mysteries of the nativity and its creator and discovers secrets from his past, unites with the family he never knew and returns to the love that never left him.

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